Added function to plot training spectrograms
Added parameter "frequency resolution" to function spectro_calls()
Added functionality to apply a butterworth filter prior to recording processing. Respective parameter added to functions spectro_calls() and auto_id()
Updated to remove deprecated function dbplyr::src_sqlite()
The "Run model" GUI (in app_model()) now accepts butterworth filter and custom windows size for spliting the recording into chuncks
Bug fix in the window size parameter of function spectro_calls(). The y-axis values of the spectrograms generated are now correct
Bug fix in metadata parameter of function auto_id(). The function now reads the file path correctly
Added checkbox input for Butterworth filter in app_label()
Minor updates in the documentation
Bug fix in overlap parameter of function spectro_calls(). Now accepts values of 0.5 and 0.75
Include progress bar in console for function spectro_calls()
Update bundled model code
Update download link of example files
First public release.